Our video job descriptions bring vacancies to life, taking the information experience of the job seeker to new heights, candidates love taking a peak 'under the bonnet' of the company they are applying for. Give your future employees a sneak peak!

Our video job description bring careers opportunities to life for you, the Digital Professional. Our focus is to connect you with the best digital opportunities and companies in Herts, Beds & Bucks. However, if you want to go on beyond, we offer recruitment in London and a wide range of other towns and cities!
Video interviews are all the rage too, speeding up the recruitment process ensuring employers only meet the most suitable candidates and the candidates get forwarded to the most suitable clients. Wasting no time or travel for your dream job/employee.

We offer a 100% free consultation for on-boarding new employees, if not immediate its typically 4 weeks to 6 months notice period. We ensure that the on-boarding journey between you and your new employee is without bumps in the road.
We run video recruitment campaigns through Facebook, Linkedin or Instagram that targets a specific target audience for your advertised job. We run these campaigns over periods of between 2 - 4 weeks to find you the suitable candidate.

There are thousands of fresh, highly talented graduates each year with fresh ideas and ways of looking at your industry. Through our wide range of services, we can find you the candidate who could take your company to new heights.
Hire Graduates for free, no fees at all.